Please note: Since TWG 1.8 all other languages are available on the download page of TWG because the download was getting too big. If you want to add one or more languages simply copy php of the language into the language folder. If you want find a language file that is not 100% translated and you speak this language please finish the translation and send it back to me. If you like to create a new language file please read how-to 8. Since TWG 1.6 all language files should be utf-8. Please use $charset = "utf-8"; as encoding! I'm not responsible for the translations except English and German. If a translation is not correct please let me know. Status of the 29 available languages (Please check the web site for the current status): English: 100% (installed) German: 100% (installed) Spanish: 98% (installed) Lithuanian: 100% Czech: 100% up to 1.8 French: 98% up to 1.7.8 Bulgarian: 98% up to 1.7.8 Dutch: 98% up to 1.7.8 Russian: 98% up to 1.7.8 Italian: 98% up to 1.7.8 Catalan: 98% up to 1.7.8 Hungary: 98% up to 1.7.8 Slovenia: 98% up to 1.7.8 Latvian: 96% up to 1.6 Portuguese: 96% up to 1.6 Finnish: 96% up to 1.6 Estonian: 96% up to 1.6 Norway: 96% up to 1.6 Slovak: 96% up to 1.6 Croatian: 96% up to 1.6 Simplified Chinese 96% up to 1.6 Polish: 96% up to 1.6 Turkish: 96% up to 1.6 Danish: 96% up to 1.6 Swedish: 93% up to 1.5.5 Latvian: 93% up to 1.5.5 Greek: 91% up to 1.4.2 Swiss-german: 50% up to 1.2 - rest German Many thanks to all of you who translated a language file or finished an existing one.