The 5th International Conference on
Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications
24-25 May 2012, Bohinj, Slovenia
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Important Dates
7 March 2012 (EXTENDED)
Paper submission deadline
11 April 2012
Notification of acceptance
23 April 2012
Registration deadline
Final paper deadline
10 May 2012
Hotel reservation
Transfer registration
24-25 May 2012

Sponsors and Partners
Slovenian Research Agency
Slovenian Research Agency
World Federation on Soft Computing World Federation on Soft Computing
Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society
Jožef Stefan Institute Jožef Stefan Institute

Past conferences
2004, 2006, 2008, 2010

Each accepted paper has to be accompanied with the registration fee by the deadline and presented at the conference by one of the authors.


Registration fee:
before 23 April 2012
after 23 April 2012
300 EUR
350 EUR
student (with valid ID)
200 EUR
250 EUR
accompanying person
50 EUR
50 EUR

The presenting authors must register till 23 April 2012.

Registration fee covers:
- attendance to the entire conference program,
- conference proceedings,
- other conference materials,
- coffee breaks,
- lunches,
- social events (excursion, dinner),
- transfer from Ljubljana airport to Bohinj and vice-versa.

Registration fee for accompanying person covers:
- social events (excursion, dinner),
- transfer from Ljubljana airport to Bohinj and vice-versa.

Registration phase is over
