Important Dates |
9 June 2014
Paper submission deadline |
26 June 2014
Notification of acceptance |
30 June 2014
Registration deadline
15 July 2014
Final paper deadline |
13 September 2014
Workshop |
welcome to BIOMA 2014 |
The sixth biennial BIOMA conference will be organized as a part of PPSN 2014 that will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It will be organized as an International Student Workshop within the PPSN 2014. The purpose of the BIOMA is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the latest theoretical and applied results in bioinspired optimization methodology and its applications. Orzanized as a workshop, emerging issues to be discussed are also welcomed for submission.
Students are not required to be the sole authors of the paper, however they should be the main authors and they have to present the paper at the workshop.
Workshop Topics |
Paper Submission |
Papers addressing real-world applications are especially welcome. Areas of interest include - genetic algorithms, - evolution strategies, - evolutionary programming, - genetic programming, - ant colony optimization, - particle swarm optimization - and related bioinspired methods, and their applications in science, engineering and business.
Full papers in English not exceeding 12 pages are invited. Papers have to be formatted according to the BIOMA template, and submitted in PDF format through the conference submission webpage. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the international Program Committee. Each accepted paper has to be accompanied with the registration fee and presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Proceedings |
All accepted papers with paid registration fee will be published in the separate BIOMA workshop proceedings that will be available at the workshop.
The Proceedings will be submitted for indexation to ISI, INSPEC, DBLP, and COMPENDEX databases.
Journal Publications |
Revised and extended versions of selected papers from the workshop will be invited for submission to the Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics.