
Important dates

  • 16 March 2016 - Paper submission deadline
  • 13 April 2016 - Notification of acceptance
  • 20 April 2016 - Final paper deadline
  • 29 April 2016 - Registration deadline

About Us

The seventh biennial BIOMA conference will be held in Bled, Slovenia. It is organized by the Jožef Stefan Institute. The purpose of the BIOMA conference is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the latest theoretical and applied results in bioinspired optimization methodology and its applications. Authors will also have the opportunity to present their software tools and case-studies. [Call for papers]


Conference topics

Papers addressing real-world applications are especially welcome. Areas of interest include

  • evolutionary computation,
  • swarm intelligence,
  • neural computation,
  • artificial life and
  • related bioinspired methods
as well as their applications in science, engineering and business.

Proceedings and Journal publications

  • All accepted papers with paid registration fee will be published in the proceedings that will be available at the conference. [Online version]
    The Proceedings will be submitted for indexation to several major databases.
  • Revised and extended versions of selected papers from the conference will be invited for submission to the Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier).

May 18-20


Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers

Thomas Bartz-Beielstein

TH Köln, Technology, Arts, Sciences, Germany

Title: A Survey of Model-Based Methods for Global Optimization

The presented work describes model-based methods for global optimization. After introducing the global optimization framework, modeling approaches for stochastic algorithms are presented. We differentiate between models that use a distribution and models that use an explicit surrogate model. Fundamental aspects of and recent advances in surrogate-model based optimization are discussed. Strategies for selecting and evaluating surrogates are presented. The article concludes with a description of key features of two state-of-the-art surrogate model based algorithms, namely the evolvability learning of surrogates (EvoLS) algorithm and the sequential parameter optimization (SPO).

El-Ghazali Talbi

University Lille 1, France

Title: Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

The presented work describes a general overview of parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) from the design and the implementation point of views. A unified taxonomy using three hierarchical parallel models is proposed. Different parallel architectures are considered. The performance evaluation issue of parallel MOEA is also discussed.

Camera-ready paper submission

Authors of accepted papers have to submit ZIP file containing:
- PDF file;
- TEX file (optionally DOC file);
- EPS or PNG files of all figures;
- short biographies of ALL authors (see template below);
- optionally, letter with answers to the Reviewer comments.

Biography template:
<NAME> received his Ph.D. degree in <SOME> Science from the University of <CITY> in <YEAR>. He is currently a professor at the University of <CITY>, Faculty of <AREA>. He is also a visiting professor at the University of <CITY>. His research interests include <LIST TOPICS>. He is a member of <LIST MEMBERSHIPS>.


Please follow the suggestions of the reviewers strictly while revising your paper. Your camera-ready manuscript is due 20 April 2016 (registration deadline is 29 April 2016). Please strictly follow the guidelines in styles and templates.



Paper template


Each accepted paper has to be accompanied with the registration fee by the deadline and presented at the conference by one of the authors.

Registration fee:
till 29 April 2016
after 29 April 2016
350 EUR
400 EUR
student (with valid ID)
250 EUR
300 EUR
accompanying person
50 EUR
50 EUR


  • attendance to the entire conference program,
  • conference proceedings,
  • other conference materials,
  • coffee breaks,
  • lunches,
  • social events (excursion, dinner).
  • social events (excursion, dinner).

For hotel booking send the filled form to

Conference Program

Detailed program: PDF
Invited Talks:
T. Bartz-Beielstein A Survey of Model-Based Methods for Global Optimization
E.-G. Talbi Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Session 1:
M. Rigakis et al. Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Approach to Develop Strategies for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
T. Jakšić Krüger and T. Davidović Sensitivity Analysis of the Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm
D. Bajer and G. Martinović: A Parameter Control Scheme for DE Inspired by ACO
R. Šenkerik et al. On the Application of Complex Network Analysis for Metaheuristics
Session 2:
T. Bartz-Beielstein Experimental Algorithmics Applied to On-Line Machine Learning
T. Eftimov et al. Disadvantages of Statistical Comparison of Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
M. Ravber et al. The Impact of Quality Indicators on the Rating of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Session 3:
M. Okulewicz and J. Mańdziuk A Particle Swarm Optimization Hyper-Heuristic for the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem
N. Gaskó et al. Extremal Optimization and Network Community Structure
M. Friese et al. Building Ensembles of Surrogates by Optimal Convex Combination
Session 4:
R. Polakova The Exponential Crossover in L-SHADE Algorithm
P. Bujok and J. Tvrdík Enhanced SHADE and Real-World Optimization Problems
K. Tagawa Worst Case Optimization Using Chebyshev Inequality
T. Tušar et al. The Pitfalls of Overfitting in Optimization of a Manufacturing Quality Control Procedure
Session 5:
T. Ohno et al. Robust Multi-Objective Optimization of Water Distribution Networks
H. Zupan et al. A Heuristic for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
M. Rebolledo et al. Modeling and Optimization of a Robust Gas Sensor

Day 1

Invited Talks


Day 1

Welcome Reception


Day 2

Session 1


Day 2

Session 2


Day 2

Session 3


Day 2

Conference Tour and Dinner


Day 3

Session 4


Day 3

Session 5


Gregor Papa, Chair, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Marjan Mernik, Chair, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Christian Blum, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain
Janez Brest, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dirk Büche, MAN Diesel und Turbo Schweiz AG, Zürich, Switzerland
Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico
Carlos Cotta, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Rolf Drechsler, University of Bremen/DFKI, Germany
Bogdan Filipič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Korošec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Barbara Koroušić Seljak, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Shih-hsi Liu, California State University, Fresno, USA
Goran Martinović, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
JJ Merelo, University of Granada, Spain
Edmondo Minisci, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Nalini N, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Nadia Nedjah, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Frank Neumann, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Borut Robič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franciszek Seredynski, Cardinal Stefana Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland
Jurij Šilc, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
El-Ghazali Talbi, University of Lille, France
Jim Tørresen, University of Oslo, Norway
Tea Tušar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Rasmus K. Ursem, Grundfos A/S, Bjerringbro, Danmark
Massimiliano Vasile, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Vida Vukašinović, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Xin-She Yang, Middlesex University London, UK
Aleš Zamuda, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Jurij Šilc, Chair
Bogdan Filipič
Vesna Koricki Špetič
Peter Korošec
Vida Vukašinović

Conference Venue

BIOMA 2016 will be hosted at the Hotel Astoria, Bled, Slovenia. The hotel is located near the road leading to the iconic Bled Castle. The nearest international airport Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport at Brnik is only 36 km away. Direct shuttle bus service and private transfers between the airport and Bled are organized throughout the year. To Bled you can get by bus, train or by one of the private transport companies (i.e.,

For hotel booking send the filled form to


Event Location

Hotel Astoria Bled
Prešernova 44
4260 Bled

Sponsors and Partners